
Welcome to 4th Grade!
Well, it's finally happened. Your child has made the turn, and is headed for the upper grades. Fourth grade can be a little confusing to new students and parents alike. All the work to turn in! When is it due? When is our next test? What about that dreaded California History project? No need to worry--we have lots of ways to keep students and parents informed.  I know we will all have a great year!
My Education and Professional Background
I have been teaching 4th grade at Holy Angels since 1984 . (Rumors that I have been around since the days of quill pens and inkwells are greatly exaggerated). I graduated from Cal State Fullerton with a degree in Psychology, and completed my California Clear Credential there as well. Before I came to Holy Angels, I did some substitute teaching in the Arcadia and Pasadena Unified School Districts.  The only grade I have ever taught at Holy Angels is 4th.  Over the years I have moved from electric typewriters to computers, and from chalk and blackboards to Smartboards.  
My Educational Philosophy
I believe that learning should be fun and challenging, and I try to create projects and assignments that reflect that. I also believe that discipline and structure helps students to learn, so I try to keep things orderly.  I hope to create students who are accountable for their actions, and are moving toward being more organized. I want my class to be a place kids want to come in the morning, and where they feel safe and cared about.  I hope that by the end of 4th grade students can say "I loved being in Ms. Woehler's class!"